
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Not All Students Like Videogames, Jill Rickard

A study done by the Department of Educational Studies at Ghent University in 2009, titled Students’ Perceptions About the Use of Video Games in the Classroom, produced results that measure the usefulness of video games in the classroom. An analysis of the data shows the reasons that explain why using video games in education is ineffective.
"Both the large differences between students concerning their weekly playtime and their preferred medium for gaming, suggest that the student population is more diverse than it is usually hinted at in the digital natives literature. This could be a matter of concern, mainly for two reasons. First of all, studentsresistance to using video games in the classroom could be a threat to the active participation which game-based learning requires (Squire, 2008), and secondly, research has shown that experienced users benefit more from the use of video games than their inexperienced peers."
Basically the study proves that since there are inequalities among students, video games can not have a fundamental place in the classroom and should be left as a leisure activity.


Bourgonjon, J., Valcke, M., Soetaert, R., & Schellens, T. (2010). Students Perceptions about the Use of Video Games in the Classroom. Computers & Education, 54(4), 1145-1156.


Jilleen Rickard


Video Games 4 Kids said...

Of course no learning tool is perfect for everyone and not every student is going to like every game you make them play whether their a gamer or not. It depends on the student. Just because that's a possibility or the risk you take doesn't mean that video games are useless in the classroom. It just means as teachers we are going to have to adapt to ensure everyone's needs are met, to have other options.
Also, you cant become an experienced user unless you use it. After a while, student will become proficient at playing the games and will be able to explain it to someone else. Some games are more complex than others and may require a learning curve. That's all apart of something called learning.


Video Games 4 Kids said...

The use of video games for teaching is a great motivation for many students. Yes, maybe some students do not like video games, but also many students do not like a teacher simiply lecturing their classrrom all day. Video games add excitement/ entertainment and a new outlook on learning but it is intreging with this new technology in the classroom.

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