
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The cost of putting video games in the classroom- A. Nicole

With the money already invested in schools, there are far to many operational improvements still needed for schools currently to attempt to find money for video game integration. Movies like "The Lottery" (2010) and "Waiting for Superman"(2010) both point out the more pressing issues with the education system today. Both movies discuss how uneven monetary distribution is already in education for some Americans. Even if video games would be great learning tools, could equal access to those tools be guaranteed? No!


Video Games 4 Kids said...
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Video Games 4 Kids said...

While this may be true, should that stop schools from trying? This "monetary gap" not only applies to technology but to any kind of resources teachers/students/schools need or want. Should schools stop trying innovating ideas because not all students are going to have equal access? If this is the case, then the education system will never move forward. The system will stall and in the future no on would attend the physical school building because all the equipment and methods are outdated.

Here's a link to an article about trying to bridge the digital divide in a community in Illinois not just within the school districts.


Video Games 4 Kids said...

Maybe no be equal access but the access that is availible will be benefical in many ways. Regardless technology in the classrrom and out of the classroom is the future. Rightfully so, it makes teaching lessons easier and stimulates students minds more effectively.

Video Games 4 Kids said...

Maybe not equal***

Ryan Ramage ^

VideoGamesUseless said...

Not to say the whole system is to halt to make every school equal, but is there no reason to attempt to fix those more pressing issues first? When making a bed, do you put the top sheet on before fixing the bottom sheets? It makes no sense to make some advances that will lessen the equalizing factor school is supposed to be for all American children, especially when there are so many children getting through school being barely literate! Let us not purposefully add video games to the mix.

-A. Nicole

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